
Reproduction is…

Reproduction is a crucial aspect of an animal’s life, and we are pleased to offer you specialised services in this field.

Our team of veterinary specialists is dedicated to providing the best care in animal reproduction. Whether you are considering breeding your pet or are concerned about their reproductive health, we are here to help you through the entire process.

We offer a wide range of reproductive-related services designed to meet all your needs

Pregnancy diagnosis

Diseases of the reproductive system of the bitch

verificadoPathologies of the ovaries

verificadoPathologies of the uterus

verificadoDisorders of the vagina

verificadoPathologies of the external genitalia

Diseases of the reproductive system of the dog

verificadoPathologies of the testicles

verificadoPathologies of the prostate


The pyometra-cystic endometrial hyperplasia complex

Pyometra is a hormone-mediated disorder of oestrus. It is probably the most common reproductive pathology in female dogs.

The disease is due to a bacterial infection of the uterus, causing bacteraemia and severe life-threatening toxaemia. Older bitches progressively develop cystic endometrial hyperplasia (CEH), which appears to be the result of an exaggerated response of the endometrium to repeated exposure to progesterone.

doctora que sujeta un gato

The Aetiopathogenesis

During the luteal phase, endometrial hyperplasia develops, which is physiological, due to the high concentration of progesterone. This hormone induces endometrial growth and glandular secretion while inhibiting myometrial contractility. This hyperplasia regresses as the corpus luteum and progesterone levels return to basal levels.

In some bitches that have been subjected to multiple progesterone stimulation throughout their lives, the hyperplasia tends not to involute at the end of oestrus and at the next oestrus, the stimulation of progesterone added to the action of oestradiol (increases the number of endometrial progesterone receptors) on the already hyperplastic areas induces the development of endometrial cysts, thus increasing the secretion in the uterine lumen. Coli (70 % cases), Staphylococcus Pseudomonas and Proteus.

Progesterone in addition to these functions also inhibits myometrial contractions and keeps the cervix closed.

niña jugando con gato
perro siendo atendido
perro siendo atendido


Disturbances consist of depression, fever, palpable enlargement of the uterus, rectal temperature may increase, polyuria/polydipsia syndrome (increased urinary volume and water consumption).

In cases of open cervix, intermittent or continuous vaginal discharge is seen depending on the cervical opening.


Haematology and biochemistry

Leukocytosis with a left shift with counts between 30,000 and 50,000/mm3 appears.

Normocytic and normochromic anaemia

Elevated urea and creatinine

Increased globulins and decreased albumin.


En el abdomen ventral y caudal se puede ver típicamente una estructura tubular de líquido denso, mayor que las asas del intestino delgado.


Se evidencia la dilatación de los cuerpos uterinos y su contenido hipoecogénico, con esta técnica se puede determinar el diámetro de los cuernos que nos ayudaría al diagnóstico de piometra cerrada o abierta.


A tubular structure of dense fluid, larger than the loops of the small intestine, is typically seen in the ventral and caudal abdomen.


The dilatation of the uterine bodies and their hypoechogenic content is evident. With this technique, the diameter of the horns can be determined, which would help us to diagnose closed or open pyometra.


There are two types of treatment

veterinaria hablando con clienta sobre su perro


Ovariohysterectomy (removal of the ovaries and uterus). The chances of success are very high, but there may also be complications due to the condition of the animal before surgery, such as peritonitis and renal failure.

cirujano realizando intervención


It must be assessed very well by the veterinarian identifying at each moment if it is an open or closed pyometra, being treated in the first case, by antibiotherapy, prostaglandins or by the administration of aglepristone. The results are usually less satisfactory and there is a possibility of recurrence.